Staff on a stage

A Message from Our Principal

Dear Robles Families,

Happy April! It’s hard to believe we are in the final stretch of the school year. Spring is a time of growth, renewal, and reflection—and our Bobcats are showing just how much they’ve learned and accomplished so far. From academic progress to personal growth, we are proud of every student and grateful for your continued partnership.

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Family Fun Night

Family Fun Night

Join us for Family Fun Night on April 30 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at Altar Valley Middle School! We...

Family Fit Fest

Family Fit Fest

We are excited to invite families to Family Fit Fest, a fun-filled day dedicated to health and...

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Altar Valley School District

Altar Valley School District

Providing a learning environment that challenges every student to achieve excellence, including the development of those habits of mind that help all people to become successful members of society.

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Altar Valley Middle School

At Altar Valley Middle School, we are honored to educate and offer many programs for families and students. We believe that all students can SOAR when given the opportunity, and we strive every day to make this a reality.